Tryout Schedule
Winter HMS Athletics 2021-2022
Grades 6 - 8
Here is the tentative schedule for the week. These are Cut Sports. Cuts will be made depending on numbers. Cuts will be made on November 10th. Athletes will know if they made the team or not and are to come back for practice on November 12th.
Tryouts are November 8, 9, & 10
Boys 2:30-4:30
Girls 4:30-6:30
Cheer 6:30-8:30
All participants are responsible for securing their own transportation home at the conclusion of tryouts/practice.
If you played a fall sport, there is no need to register on Rank 1 again for this school year.
RANK 1 REGISTRATION (if you did not play a fall sport this year): - Under Site, choose Hermon Athletics, then under Menu choose Athlete Registration Forms and practice schedule. All 6th grade or new to Hermon Athletes must have a current physical on file prior to participation. You will need a student ID number to register. Please call either the school secretary 848-4070 or the Athletic Director 848-4062 for the student ID number.
Staying Informed!
The athletics department has an app and a Facebook page. The app is called Hermon Hawks, ME. You can download the app from the app store or google play. The Facebook page is called Hermon Hawks Athletics.
Athletic Director - Rick Sinclair at 848-4062 or e-mail Please visit the website for updates and information (see above for website) or the Hermon Hawks Athletics Facebook page.
Boys Basketball – Samantha Ireland
Girls A Basketball –Liza Muth
Cheering – Erica Turmel
Chess Coach – Jim Fratini